
This part of the work includes presenting update extension to the XQuery language to make the system practical by offering not only general query but also update support at the XML side. We propose to develop an efficient query engine extension to support user updates through XML views based on a theory of the unambiguity of updates, and techniques for propagation and translation of XML updates into relational table updates.


Advisor: Elke A. Rundensteiner

Graduate Students:

Ling Wang
Mukesh Mulchandani


- L. Wang and E. A. Rundensteiner and Murali Mani. UFilter: A lightweight XML View Update Checker.
In International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE2006), to appear (.ps)(.pdf)(.ppt)

- L. Wang, Song Wang and B. Murphy and E. A. Rundensteiner: 

Order-sensitive XQuery Processing Over Relational Sources: An Algebraic Approach. 

In IDEAS, 2005. (.ps) (.pdf) (.ppt)

- L. Wang, E. A. Rundensteiner and Murali Mani:  Updating XML Views. In VLDB'05 Phd Workshop. (.ps) (.pdf) (.ppt)

- L. Wang and E. A. Rundensteiner and Murali Mani. Updating XML Views Published over Relational Databases: Towards the Existence of a Correct Update Mapping. In DKE Journal, in press. (.pdf)

- David Krolick and Alex Perry, Display and Analysis Tools for Updating XML Views, MQP Presentation, April 19, 2005.(.ppt)(.pdf)

- L. Wang and E. Rundensteiner. On the Updatability of XML Views Published over Relational Data. ER2004, Nov. 2004(.ps)(.pdf)(.ppt).

- L. Wang, M. Mulchandani and E. Rundensteiner. Updating XQuery View Published over Relational Data: A Round-Trip Case Study. XML Database Symposium (VLDB Workshop), Sept. 2003(.ps)(.pdf).

- X. Zhang, K. Dimitrova, L. Wang, B. Pielech, L. Ding, B. Murphy, M. Sayed and E. Rundensteiner. RainbowII: Multi-XQuery Optimization Using Materialized XML Views. SIGMOD DEMO, Jun. 2003(.ps).


- David Krolick and Alex Perry, Display and Analysis Tools for Updating XML Views, MQP Presentation, April 19, 2005.(.ppt)

- Ling Wang, Updating XQuery Views Published over Relational Data, Research Qualify TALK, March 27, 2003.(.ppt)

- Mukesh Mulchandani, Updating XML Views of Relational Data, DSRG TALK, April 4, 2002. (.ppt)

Thesis & Report

[1] Technical Report: Updating XQuery Views Published over Relational Data, Ling Wang, Mulchandani, Mukesh and Elke. A. Rundensteiner(.ps)

[2] MS. Thesis: Updating XML Views of Relational Data, Mulchandani, Mukesh (.pdf)

Related Work

[1] Umeshwar Dayal, Philip A. Bernstein, On the Updatability of Relational Views, IEEE 1978

[2] Umeshwar Dayal, Philip A. Bernstein, On the correct Translation of Update Operations on Relationsl Views, ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 1982

[3] A. M. Keller, Barsalou, Siambela and Wiederhold, Updating Relationsl Databases through Object-Based Views, SIGMOD 1991

[4] Tatarinov, Ives, Alon Halevy and Daniel Weld, Updating XML, SIGMOD 2001