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Summary of Placement Strategies

The total number of distinct views are of N-D data on a 2-D data space is shown below.

data-driven (raw):
(1 + D)(N2 - N), where D is the number of distortion techniques (e.g., random jitter, relaxation)
data-driven (derived):
$(1+D)\sum_{j=1}^{j \leq k} p_{j}$, where k is the number of distinct derivation algorithms and pj is the number of variations within algorithm j (e.g., different distance metrics).
structure-driven (linear ordered):
$N \times FP (1 + SP + OL)$, where FP is the number of filling patterns, SP is the number of methods which introduce white space for separation (space-padding), and OL is the number of methods which distort the placement to allow overlaps.

How to select? Factors include:

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Matthew Ward