
Week 1 Searched through a bunch of different resources in the library and on the web. Found a few different resources. Created the website.
Week 2 Continued searching for resources, in the library and on the web. Found a lot more resources. Added onto the website.
Week 3 Added brief descriptions of researched papers to the website. Started program, created basic skeleton and data structures.
Week 4 Continued with the program. Revising data structures and setting up the basic hair model.
Week 5 Took first look at model in 3D Studio. Was not recognizable. Trouble shot and corrected many bugs. Model is now output correctly (see gallery.) Added the animation functions. Describing the hair strands as strings with mass. Does not correctly work yet.
Week 6 Brought the code to libsxAnim. Corrected the model so that it behaves correctly under gravity. Added wind to the model.
Week 7 Continued making the hair move more realisticly by adding a third dimesion for the movement of the joints. Also added a method for wind deflection. 1998