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Useful Reference and Search Engines:

bulletDBLP Search Engine (ACM SIGMOD Mirror).
bulletWorld Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
bulletXML Research as GMD.

Research References:



[DOEM] by Stanford:

URL [local copy]
Title Representing and Querying Changes in Semistructured Data
Authors S. Chawathe , S. Abiteboul , J. Widom
Year 1997
Citation Technical Report.
Keywords Semistructured data, deltas, change queries, standing queries.
Abstract Semistructured data may be irregular and incomplete and does not necessarily conform to a fixed schema. As with structured data, it is often desirable to maintain a history of changes to data, and to query over both the data and the changes. Representing and querying changes in semistructured data is more diffcult than in structured data due to the irregularity and lack of schema. We present a model for representing changes in semistructured data and a language for querying over these changes. We discuss implementation strategies for our model and query language. We also describe the design and implementation of a "query subscription service" that permits standing queries over changes in semistructured information sources.

[XMLTreediff] by IBM:


XMLTreeDiff is a set of Java beans designed to perform fast differentiation and update of DOM structures. XMLTreeDiff works in many ways like diff and patch. However, rather than differentiating the file representations of the documents (that is, the XML files), XMLTreeDiff runs directly on the DOM's themselves. This way, the differences are directly expressed in terms of native tree operations like change node, delete node or insert node, rather than line mismatches. The advantages of this approach are several: it avoids the need to convert the DOM trees to file format prior to comparing them; with that, it eliminates the 'false negative' reports caused by dissimilar file representations of equivalent DOM structures; finally it avoids the need to infer the tree structural meaning of a line difference report.

It is well known that the process of differentiating two labeled tree structures is an expensive one, with a cost (for ordered trees) at least quadratic in the number of tree nodes. This has traditionally held developers back from using direct tree to tree comparison tools. XMLTreeDiff uses an optimal tree differentiating algorithm together with a fast subtree matching procedure to make direct tree differentiation a practical tool. XMLTreeDiff is particularly well suited to do version management of XML documents and tree structured data in general.

XMLTreeDiff is packaged as a set of Java beans, and allows both command line and programming access to the differentiation and updated tools. It includes a differentiating tool, and update tool, and a graphical user interface to display the differences directly on the compared trees. Difference reports are output in XML format as well.

[APIX] on XML Updates by WPI:

Li Chen, Elke A. Rundensteiner.
Aggregation Path Index for Incremental Web View Maintenance [.pdf]
Technical Report WPI-CS-TR-99-33, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Dept. of Computer Science.

[DOMLev2] by W3C:

[XPath] by W3C:

[XML] by W3C:

[XMLSchema] by W3C:

XML Schema Part 1: Structure (
XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes (

[Benchmark] by INRIA: