more and more data becomes available in XML format, a general purpose
XML repository management system (XRMS) is needed. Rather than developing
it from scratch, there is great interest to exploit existing relational
database technology as backend engine to store, retrieve, and query
XML data set due to its maturity and performance.
due to the mismatch between the complexity of semi-structured XML
data model and the simplicity of flat relational model, there are
many ways to store one document in a relational database, and a
number of heuristic techniques need to overcome. These include the
data model mapping strategies, the transformation of XML queries
into SQL queries, XML order handling, XML update propagation, XML
query optimization, and XML indexing.
Rainbow System we are proposing is based on a flexible strategy
of mapping XML to the relational data model using generic XQuery
loading statements, supports optimized XML order-sensitive query
processing via an XML Query Algebra, XQuery to SQL translation,
and serve as a solid yet scalable foundation for extended XML-based
next research goals within the larger Rainbow project that we are
targeting include Update Query Processing through the XML virtual
Views, Incremental XML view maintenance, XQuery Multiple Query Optimization,
and XML Query Optimization by exploiting Materialized XML Views.