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Ordered Structure

Ordered structure may be linear (1-D) or grid-based (N-D).

Good for detection of changes in the dimensions used in the sorting

May provide clues into potential dependencies in the other variables

Common linear ordering include raster scan [46], circular [26, 35], and recursive space-filling patterns [27].

Figure: Various placement patterns for linearly structured data (from [26,27]), including raster, radial, and recursive raster.

Figure: Profile glyphs of monthly economic time series data using linear ordering and spiral layout (from SpiralGlyphics[35]). Dimensions are (from left to right) Dow Jones average, Standard and Poors 500 index, retail sales, and unemployment. Data for December radiate straight up (the 12 o'clock orientation). Expected patterns include high sales and low unemployment in January and the inverse in June. Uncharacteristicly high unemployment is visible through much of the first year shown, which improves as other market indicators rise in value.

Figure 7: Star glyphs of remote sensing data (5 channels) using 2-D raster ordering. Regions of similarity manifest themselves as regions of texture. Second image shows a zoomed in region with high Uranium values highlighted.

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Matthew Ward