/* ======================================================================
 * meshwarp.c -  Mesh warping program.
 * Copyright (C) 1993 by George Wolberg
 * Written by: George Wolberg, 1993
 * ======================================================================

#include "meshwarp.h"

/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 * meshWarp:
 * Warp I1 with correspondence points given in meshes M1 and M2.
 * Result goes in I2.
 * See "Digital Image Warping" by George Wolberg (IEEE Computer Society
 * Press, 1990) for details.
 * Based on Douglas Smythe's algorithm (in "A Two-Pass Mesh Warping Algorithm
 * for Object Transformation and Image Interpolation", ILM Technical Memo
 * #1030, 1990).
meshWarp(I1, M1, M2, I2)
imageP I1, I2;
imageP M1, M2;
 int  I_w, I_h, M_w, M_h;
 int  x, y, u, v, n;
 float *x1, *y1, *x2, *y2;
 float *xrow, *yrow, *xcol, *ycol, *coll, *indx, *map;
 uchar *src, *dst;
 imageP  Mx, My, I3;

 I_w = I1->width;
 I_h = I1->height;

 M_w = M1->width;
 M_h = M1->height;

 /* allocate enough memory for a scanline along the longest dimension */
 n = MAX(I_w, I_h);
 indx = (float *) malloc(n * sizeof(float));
 xrow = (float *) malloc(n * sizeof(float));
 yrow = (float *) malloc(n * sizeof(float));
 map  = (float *) malloc(n * sizeof(float));

 /* create table of x-intercepts for source mesh's vertical splines */
 Mx = allocImage(M_w, I_h, MESH);
 for(y=0; y < I_h; y++) indx[y] = y;
 for(u=0; u < M_w; u++) { /* visit each vertical spline   */
  /* store column as row for spline fct */
  xcol = (float *) M1->ch[0] + u;
  ycol = (float *) M1->ch[1] + u;
  coll = (float *) Mx->ch[0] + u;

  /* scan convert vertical splines */
  for(v=0; v < M_h; v++, xcol+=M_w) xrow[v] = *xcol;
  for(v=0; v < M_h; v++, ycol+=M_w) yrow[v] = *ycol;
  catmullRom(yrow, xrow, M_h, indx, map, I_h);

  /* store resampled row back into column */
  for(y=0; y < I_h; y++, coll+=M_w) *coll = map[y];

 /* create table of x-intercepts for dst mesh's vertical splines */
 for(u=0; u < M_w; u++) { /* visit each  vertical spline  */
  /* store column as row for spline fct */
  xcol = (float *) M2->ch[0] + u;
  ycol = (float *) M2->ch[1] + u;
  coll = (float *) Mx->ch[1] + u;

  /* scan convert vertical splines */
  for(v=0; v < M_h; v++, xcol+=M_w) xrow[v] = *xcol;
  for(v=0; v < M_h; v++, ycol+=M_w) yrow[v] = *ycol;
  catmullRom(yrow, xrow, M_h, indx, map, I_h);

  /* store resampled row back into column */
  for(y=0; y < I_h; y++, coll+=M_w) *coll = map[y];

 /* first pass: warp x using tables in Mx */
 I3  = allocImage(I_w, I_h, BW);
 x1  = (float *) Mx->ch[0];
 x2  = (float *) Mx->ch[1];
 src = (uchar *) I1->ch[0];
 dst = (uchar *) I3->ch[0];
 for(x=0; x < I_w; x++) indx[x] = x;
 for(y=0; y < I_h; y++) {
  /* fit spline to x-intercepts; resample over all cols */
  catmullRom(x1, x2, M_w, indx, map, I_w);

  /* resample source row based on map */
  resample(src, I_w, 1, map, dst);

  /* advance pointers to next row */
  src += I_w;
  dst += I_w;
  x1  += M_w;
  x2  += M_w;

 /* create table of y-intercepts for intermediate mesh's hor splines */
 My = allocImage(I_w, M_h, MESH);
 x1 = (float *) M2->ch[0];
 y1 = (float *) M1->ch[1];
 y2 = (float *) My->ch[0];
 for(x=0; x < I_w; x++) indx[x] = x;
 for(v=0; v < M_h; v++) { /* visit each horizontal spline */
  /* scan convert horizontal splines */
  catmullRom(x1, y1, M_w, indx, y2, I_w);

  /* advance pointers to next row */
  x1 += M_w;
  y1 += M_w;
  y2 += I_w;

 /* create table of y-intercepts for dst mesh's horizontal splines */
 x1 = (float *) M2->ch[0];
 y1 = (float *) M2->ch[1];
 y2 = (float *) My->ch[1];
 for(v=0; v < M_h; v++) { /* visit each horizontal spline   */
  /* scan convert horizontal splines */
  catmullRom(x1, y1, M_w, indx, y2, I_w);

  /* advance pointers to next row */
  x1 += M_w;
  y1 += M_w;
  y2 += I_w;

 /* second pass: warp y */
 src = (uchar *) I3->ch[0];
 dst = (uchar *) I2->ch[0];
 for(y=0; y < I_h; y++) indx[y] = y;
 for(x=0; x < I_w; x++) {
  /* store column as row for spline fct */
  xcol = (float *) My->ch[0] + x;
  ycol = (float *) My->ch[1] + x;
  for(v=0; v < M_h; v++, xcol+=I_w) xrow[v] = *xcol;
  for(v=0; v < M_h; v++, ycol+=I_w) yrow[v] = *ycol;

  /* fit spline to y-intercepts; resample over all rows */
  catmullRom(xrow, yrow, M_h, indx, map, I_h);

  /* resample source column based on map */
  resample(src, I_h, I_w, map, dst);

  /* advance pointers to next column */
 free((char *) indx);
 free((char *) xrow);
 free((char *) yrow);
 free((char *)  map);

/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 * resample:
 * Resample the len elements of src (with stride offst) into dst according
 * to the spatial mapping given in xmap.
 * Perform linear interpolation for magnification and box filtering
 * (unweighted averaging) for minification.
 * Based on Fant's algorithm (IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 1/86).
resample(src, len, offst, xmap, dst)
uchar *src, *dst;
float *xmap;
int  len, offst;
 int u, x, v0, v1;
 double val, sizfac, inseg, outseg, acc, inpos[1024];

 /* precompute input index for each output pixel */
 for(u=x=0; x<len; x++) {
  while(xmap[u+1]<x) u++;
  inpos[x] = u + (double) (x-xmap[u]) / (xmap[u+1]-xmap[u]);

 inseg  = 1.0;
 outseg = inpos[1];
 sizfac = outseg;
 acc = 0.;
 v0 = *src; src += offst;
 v1 = *src; src += offst;
 for(u=1; u<len; ) {
  val = inseg*v0 + (1-inseg)*v1;
  if(inseg < outseg) {
   acc += (val * inseg);
   outseg -= inseg;
   inseg = 1.0;
   v0 = v1;
   v1 = *src;
   src += offst;
  } else {
   acc += (val * outseg);
   acc /= sizfac;
   *dst = (int) MIN(acc, 0xff);
   dst += offst;
   acc = 0.;
   inseg -= outseg;
   outseg = inpos[u+1] - inpos[u];
   sizfac = outseg;