/* ======================================================================
* morph.c - Generate a metamorphosis sequence.
* Copyright (C) 1993 by George Wolberg
* Written by: George Wolberg, 1993
* ======================================================================
#include "meshwarp.h"
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* main:
* Main function to collect user parameters and pass them to morph().
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
int nframes;
char name[10];
imageP I1, I2;
imageP M1, M2;
/* make sure the user invokes this program properly */
if(argc != 7) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: morph src.bw dst.bw src.XY dst.XY frames
/* read input image and meshes */
I1 = readImage(argv[1], BW); /* source image */
I2 = readImage(argv[2], BW); /* target image */
M1 = readImage(argv[3], MESH); /* source mesh */
M2 = readImage(argv[4], MESH); /* target mesh */
nframes = atoi(argv[5]); /* # frames */
strcpy(name, argv[6]); /* out basename */
morph(I1, I2, M1, M2, nframes, name);
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* morph:
* Generate a morph sequence of frames between images I1 and I2.
* Correspondence points among I1 and I2 are given in meshes M1
and M2.
* nframes frames are generated (including I1 and I2).
* The output is stored in files "basename_xxx.bw" where xxx are
* 3-digit frame numbers.
morph(I1, I2, M1, M2, nframes, basename)
imageP I1, I2;
imageP M1, M2;
int nframes;
char *basename;
int i, j, totalI, totalM;
double w1, w2;
char name[20];
uchar *p1, *p2, *p3;
float *x1, *y1, *x2, *y2, *x3, *y3;
imageP I3, Iw1, Iw2, M3;
/* allocate space for tmp images and mesh */
M3 = allocImage(M1->width, M1->height, MESH);
I3 = allocImage(I1->width, I1->height, BW);
Iw1 = allocImage(I1->width, I1->height, BW);
Iw2 = allocImage(I1->width, I1->height, BW);
/* eval total number of points in mesh (totalM) and image (totalI)
totalM = M1->width * M1->height;
totalI = I1->width * I1->height;
/* copy first frame to basename_000.bw */
sprintf(name, "%s_000.bw", basename);
saveImage(I1, name, BW);
printf("Finished Frame 0\n");
for(i=1; i<nframes-1; i++) {
/* M3 <- linearly interpolate between M1 and M2 */
w2 = (double) i / (nframes-1);
w1 = 1. - w2;
/* linearly interpolate M3 grid */
x1 = (float *) M1->ch[0]; y1 = (float *) M1->ch[1];
x2 = (float *) M2->ch[0]; y2 = (float *) M2->ch[1];
x3 = (float *) M3->ch[0]; y3 = (float *) M3->ch[1];
for(j=0; j<totalM; j++) {
x3[j] = x1[j]*w1 + x2[j]*w2;
y3[j] = y1[j]*w1 + y2[j]*w2;
/* warp I1 and I2 according to grid M3 */
meshWarp(I1, M1, M3, Iw1);
meshWarp(I2, M2, M3, Iw2);
/* cross-dissolve warped images Iw1 and Iw2 */
p1 = (uchar *) Iw1->ch[0];
p2 = (uchar *) Iw2->ch[0];
p3 = (uchar *) I3->ch[0];
for(j=0; j<totalI; j++) p3[j] = p1[j]*w1 + p2[j]*w2;
/* save frame into file */
sprintf(name, "%s_%03d.bw", basename, i);
saveImage(I3, name, BW);
printf("Finished Frame %d\n", i);
/* copy last frame to basename_xxx.bw */
sprintf(name, "%s_%03d.bw", basename, i);
saveImage(I2, name, BW);
printf("Finished Frame %d\n", i);