
  • IEEE Vis Test of Time Award 2024: Professor Elke Rundensteiner received another IEEE Test-of-Time award, this time, it is the IEEE Vis Test-of-Time Award for pioneering work accomplished in 1999 that still influences the IEEE Visualization community 25 years later for work done 25 years ago resulting in a publication co-authored with graduate student Ying-Huey Fua and the late computer science professor Matthew O. Ward. July 2024. Read More.
  • Best Paper Nomination: The paper "MetaStore: Analyzing Deep Learning Meta-Data at Scale" by Huayi Zhang, Binwei Yan, Lei Cao, Samuel Madden, and Elke A Rundensteiner, was among the finalists for the VLDB 2024 best paper award.
  • Best Paper: The paper "META: Deep Learning Pipeline for Detecting Anomalies on Multimodal Vibration Sewage Treatment Plant Data" by Simeon Krastev, Aukkawut Ammartayakun, Kewal J. Mishra, Harika Koduri, Eric Schuman, Drew Morris, Yuan Feng, Sai R. Bandi, Chun-Kit Ngan, Andrew Yeung, Jason Li, Nigel Ko, Fatemeh Emdad, Elke Rundensteiner, Heiton H. Ho, T. K. Wong and Jolly C. Chan was awarded the Best Paper award at the 16th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications, Nov 2024.
  • Nicholas Josselyn received the Graduate Leadership Award 2024. This award recognizes a Data Science graduate student for outstanding leadership in the department, on campus, and beyond, and was given to Nick for his effort when serving as president of the Graduate Council.
  • Oluseun Olulana and Dennis Hofmann both were awarded the DS Graduate Community Building Award 2024. This award recognizes a Data Science graduate students for outstanding commitment to building community in the department, on campus, and beyond.
  • Kevin Hickey was awarded the Outstanding TA Award in DS program 2023-2024. This award recognizes publicly the contributions of a Data Science teaching assistant who has made significant contributions to the quality and success of WPI's undergraduate and/or graduate curriculum, supporting students in the course/s and the instructor.
  • Designing an Interactive Interface for FACET: Personalized Explanations in XAI undergraduate MQP team with team members Katharine Dion, Belisha Genin, Randy Huang, Alexander Pietrick, Jacob Reiss, and advisors Peter VanNostrand, Dennis Hofmann, and Elke Rundensteiner awarded Honorable Mention Top CS MQP Award 2024. Read More or view GitHub
  • Kathleen Cachel wins 1st place in WPI's 3 Minute Thesis Competition for her work 'Technologies for Fair Consensus Decision-Making.'
  • Abdulaziz Alajaji, Kavin Chandrasekaran, Luke Buquicchio, Walter Gerych, Emmanuel Agu, and Elke Rundensteiner win Best Paper award at COMPSAC 2023 for their work titled 'Adversarial Human Context Recognition: Evasion Attacks and Defenses'. Read More
  • Elke Rundensteiner Receives the Prestigious IEEE Test-of-Time Award for Groundbreaking Visual Data Analytics Work. Read More.
  • Congrats to DAISY Students for winning awards in GRIE'2021! First Place: Walter Gerych, Third Place: Jidapa Thadajarassiri
  • Ermal Toto and ML Tlachac are awarded the final winner of the Best Applied Research Paper at CIKM 2021 for their collaborative work AudiBERT: A Deep Transfer Learning Multimodal Classification Framework for Depression Screening. Congratulations! See their award here.
  • Professor Elke Rundensteiner is named WILLIAM B. SMITH PROFESSOR!
  • Congrats to DAISY Students for winning awards in GRIE'2021! First Place: Walter Gerych, Second Place: Jidapa Thadajarassiri, Peter VanNostrand
  • Congrats to DAISY Students advancing to the Final Round of GRIE'2021! Walter Gerych, Prathyush Parvatharaju, Jidapa Thadajarassiri, Peter VanNostrand, Biao Yin
  • Best Paper: Our paper "Muse: Multi-query Event Trend Aggregation" was awarded the Best Paper award at CIKM 2020 as a short track paper.
  • Best Paper Finalist: The paper "MedViz: Visual Analytics for Medication Error Detection", led by Tabassum Kakar, was among the finalists for the IVAPP 2019 best paper award.
  • Best Paper Runner-up: Daniel Johnston, Liubuo Klindziuk, Lolita Nazarov, Thomas Hartvigsen, and Elke Rundensteiner win best paper runner up at the IEEE MIT URTC in 2019!
  • DSRG students collected many awards at the Graduate Research Innovation Exchange (GRIE) 2018:
    1st Place: Susmitha Vunnava, Phd, Data Science
    3rd Place: Nguyen Vo, Phd, Data Science
  • Allison Rozet (Senior Phd) and ML Tlachac (Junior Phd) are awarded with Data Science Research Excellence Award. Congrats Allison and ML!
  • DSRG student Tom Hartvigsen is awarded with 'Data Science Citizenship Award'. This Award recognizes a Data Science Student for community leadership in the department, on the campus or beyond WPI. Congrats Tom!
  • Yizhou Yan is nominated for Teaching Assistant of the year award and recognized with an honorable mention. Congratulations to Yizhou on her recognition for her contributions to high quality teaching at WPI; and her support for our students and faculty.
  • DSRG students collected all the awards at the Graduate Research Innovation Exchange (GRIE) Finals 2017 at PhD level:
    1st Place: Ramoza Ahsan, Computer Science
    2nd Place: Caitlin Kuhlman, Computer Science
    3rd Place: Tabassum Kakar, Data Science
    Honorable Mention: Xiao Qin, Computer Science
    People's Choice: Ramoza Ahsan, Computer Science
  • 8 DSRG students are selected as GRIE Finalists in the 2017 Graduate Research Innovation Exchange (GRIE) poster competition: Salah Ahmed, Ramoza Ahsan, Tabassum Kakar, Caitlin Kuhlman, Yuchen Liu, Xiao Qin, Yizhou Yan, Susmitha Wunnava. The finalists will compete again during the Poster Finals in April.
  • Cansu Sen and Ramoza Ahsan won the People's Choice Award in the 2017 Graduate Research Innovation Exchange (GRIE) poster competition.
  • Our paper "Using Social Sensing to Discover Trends in Public Emotion", by Maryam Hasan, Elke Rundensteiner, Xiangnan Kong and Emmanuel Agu, was awarded with the Honorable Mention Award (Among Top 6 Papers) in IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (IEEE ICSC 2017).
  • Our paper "Towards Spreadsheet Integration using Entity Identification Driven by a Spatial-Temporal Model", by Ramoza Ahsan, Rodica Neamtu, and Elke Rundensteiner is awarded with the Best Research Poster Award in the 31st ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC 2016), Pisa, Italy.
  • Our paper "MaVis: Machine Learning Aided Multi-Model Framework for Time Series Visual Analytics", by Kaiyu Zhao, Matthew Ward, Elke Rundensteiner, and Huong Higgins is awarded with the Best Paper Award in IST International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2016, Visualization and Data Analysis Conference (VDA 2016).
  • Alec Benson and Patrick Lynch were awarded an Honorable Mention for "Visualizing Graphs of Tracks" in Best MQP Awards in Computer Science 2015-2016. (Advisor: Elke Rundensteiner, Sponsor: BAE Systems)
  • The Computer Science undergraduate student, Dmytro Bogatov, was awarded the "CS Outstanding Junior 2016" by WPI. Dmytro, together with Jillian, was working on the MATTERS tool for his MQP project, mentored by Caitlin Kuhlman and Prof. Rundensteiner.
  • Xinyue Lin receive the CS Research Poster Award for high-quality research at the Junior PhD Level 2015-2016 from the Computer Science department at WPI
  • Olga Poppe receive the CS Research Poster Award for high-quality research at the Senior PhD Level 2015-2016 from the Computer Science department at WPI.
  • Ramoza Ashan received the Graduate Leadership Award 2015-2016 from the Computer Science department at WPI
  • Collaborative research of Ramoza Ahsan and Rodica Neamtu on "Towards Spreadsheet Integration using Entity Identification Driven by a Spatial-Temporal Model" was presented at SAC 2016 as a poster presentation by Rodica Neamtu and awarded the SAC 2016 Best Poster Winner award.
  • Ermal Toto got the 1st Place and Xiao Qin got the 3rd Place at the Graduate Research Innovation Exchange: GRIE 2016 at PhD level in science category.
  • The final 5 DSRG students were among the 62 graduate students selected as GRIE Finalists on February 3, 2016 in the 2016 Graduate Research Innovation Exchange (GRIE) poster competition: Ermal Toto, Yizhou Yan, Tabassum Kakar, Susmitha Wunnava, and Xiao Qin. The finalists will compete again during the Poster Finals on April 11, 2016.
  • Kaiyu Zhao, Matthew Ward, Elke A. Rundensteiner and Huong Higgins got best paper award at the Visualization and Data Analysis Conference, VDA'16 for their paper "MaVis: Machine Learning Aided Multi-Model Framework for Time Series Visual Analytics".
  • Mingrui Wei won the Best Presentation Prize on i3 Competition "Investing in Ideas with Impact" with his talk on "From Outlier to Insight: Interactive Big Data Analytics" on April 13th, 2015.
  • Rodica Neamtu got the 1st Place and Ramoza Ahsan got the 2nd Place at the Graduate Research Innovation Exchange: GRIE 2015 at PhD level in science category.
  • Mingrui Wei won the Deans' round of the i3 Competition "Investing in Ideas with Impact" in March 2015.
  • Salah Ahmed and Ramoza Ahsan (junior PhD Level) and Lei Cao (senior PhD Level) were announced as winners for the "Computer Science Research Poster Awards 2014/2015".
  • Caitlin Kuhlman, Maryam Hasan, Mingrui Wei, Ramoza Ahsan, Rodica Neamtu and Zhongfang Zhuang have been selected by interdisciplinary judges as finalists for the final round during the Graduate Research Innovation Exchange (GRIE) 2014 event to present their research work using posters to the WPI community.
  • The publication "Utilizing Dynamic Precedence Criteria To Ensure the Production of Critical Results from Big Data Streams" by Karen Works and Elke A. Rundensteiner won the research publication award at the "BigData 2014: The Fourth ASE International Conference on Big Data", Harvard University, December 14-16, 2014.
  • Xika Lin won the 3rd prize in the Science PhD category in the final round of GRAD'14 in April 2014.
  • Xika Lin was selected as finalist by the Arts and Sciences Advisory Board to participate in the final round of the i3 Competition "Investing in Ideas with Impact" in April 2014.
  • Xika Lin won the Deans' round of the i3 Competition "Investing in Ideas with Impact" in April 2014.
  • On March 19th 2014, Chuan Lei and Xika Lin won Research Poster Awards at senior PhD level and Maryam Hasan and Olga Poppe received Research Poster Awards at junior PhD level at GRAD'14.
  • Xika Lin won the Deans' round of the i3 Competition "Investing in Ideas with Impact" in April 2013.
  • Leah Greer, Christian Mortensen, Corey Phillips, Hanxiong Shi, and Jeffery Stokes won the Provost's MQP Awards in Computer Science in May 2013. Faculty Advisor: Elke Rundensteiner. Sponsor: UMASS.
  • In March 2013, Lei Cao won PhD second place Research Poster Award and Chuan Lei won Senior PhD Research Poster Award at GRAD'13.
  • Yingmei Qi made into the top round of the i3 Competition "Investing in Ideas with Impact" in April 2012.
  • Di Wang, Prof. Rundensteiner, and Dr. D. Ellison won the EPTS Innovative Principles Award 2011 for their work on "Active Complex Event Processing", IBM, Yorktown Heights, July 11, DBES 2011.
  • Di Wang won Computer Science Graduate Student Best Poster Award at GRAD2011.
  • Manasi Vartak won Provost Best Computer Science MQP Award 2010.
  • Venkatesh Raghavan won Graduate Student Poster Award 2010.
  • Prof. Rundensteiner won WPI's 2010 Chairman's Exemplary Faculty Prize at Commencement 2010.
  • Di Yang won Graduate Student Poster Award 2009.
  • Karen Works won Graduate Student Poster Award 2009.
  • Prof. Rundensteiner won Sigma Xi Outstanding Senior Faculty Researcher Award, 2007.
  • Prof. Rundensteiner won the 2007 WPI Board of Trustees' Award for Outstanding Research and Creative Scholarship. The Computer Science Department is very pleased and proud to announce that Professor Elke A. Rundensteiner is the winner of the 2007 Board of Trustees' Award for Outstanding Research and Creative Scholarship. The full citation for the award mentions her seminal work, and her international reputation as a scholar in the area of databases. More than 20 external scholars provided glowing letters of recommendation. One of Elke's ex-PhD students said that "Elke is a source of inspiration, a mentor and a superb role model".