Downloads: Translation Tools


Tool Description Platform Installation Directions

Translates CSV or Excel into an Xmdv .okc format

Windows/Unix: (3643KB)

Unzip the zip file and view the readme for more instructions.
Translate an .okc file to a .cf or .cg file.

Binary Release

Windows: (17KB)


To install the software, unzip the file using a tool such as winzip, and run TransFile.exe.

Translates an .okc file to a .cf file.

Source Release


okcTocf.tar.gz (36KB)

Type the following at your shell:

> gunzip < okcTocf.tar.gz | tar xvf -

Then use it following the Readme.

Translates a .cf file to a .cg file.

Binary Release

Windows: (22KB)

Unzip the package using a tool such as winzip, and run cfTocg.exe.

Mapping Nominal Values to Numbers

Windows: (67KB)

Unzip the zip file and view the readme_howto for more instructions.