CAPE: Constraint-exploiting Adaptive Processing Engine | |
Presentations: |
State-Slice: New Paradigm of Multi-query Optimization of Window-based Stream Queries. Song Wang, E. Rundensteiner,Samrat and Sudeept. VLDB 2006, Sep., 2006, Seoul, Korea. [ppt] An Adaptive Multi-Objective Scheduling Selection Framework for Continuous Query Processing. Timothy Sutherland, Bradford Pielech, Yali Zhu, Luping Ding and Elke A. Rundensteiner. IDEAS Conference, July, 2005, Montreal, Canada. [ppt] Linear Road Application MQP Presentation. Griffin Bryant, Tim Chen and Dave Gordon. Apr. 2005. [pdf] CIKM 2004: Evaluating Window Joins over Punctuated Streams. Luping Ding and Elke A. Rundensteiner. [ppt] VLDB 2004: CAPE: Continuous Query Engine with Heterogeneous-Grained Adaptivity. Elke A. Rundensteiner, Luping Ding, Timothy Sutherland, Yali Zhu, Bradford Pielech and Nishant Mehta. [ppt] SIGMOD 2004: Dynamic Plan Migration for Continuous Query over Data Streams. Yali Zhu, Elke Rundensteiner, and George Heineman. [ppt] EDBT 2004: Joining Punctuated Streams. Luping Ding, Nishant Mehta, Elke Rundensteiner, and George Heineman. [ppt] DEBS 2003: MJoin: A Metadata-Aware Stream Join Operator. Luping Ding, Elke Rundensteiner, and George Heineman. [pdf] |