CAPE: Constraint-exploiting Adaptive Processing Engine

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Yali Zhu, Venkatesh Raghavan, and Elke A. Rundensteiner, A New Look At Generating Multi-Join Continuous Query Plans: A Qualified Plan Generation Problem, Data and Knowledge Engineering (DKE Journal), To appear .

Venkatesh Raghavan, Yali Zhu, Elke A. Rundensteiner and Dan Dougherty, Multi-Join Continuous Query Optimization: Covering the Spectrum of Linear, Acyclic and Cyclic Queries, 26th British National Conference on Databases, (BNCOD) 2009, pages 91-106, (pdf).

Y. Zhu and and Elke A. Rundensteiner,
Adapting Partitioned Continous Query Processing in Distributed Systems,
International Workshop on Scalable Stream Processing Systems (SSPS07), April 16, 2007, Istanbul, Turkey, Workshop Co-located with ICDE, (pdf).

Luping Ding and Elke A. Rundensteiner, Index Tuning for Parameterized Streaming Groupby Queries, The Second International Workshop on Scalable Stream Processing Systems
(SSPS'08), March 2008, Nantes, France. (PDF coming soon)

Y. Zhu and and Elke A. Rundensteiner,
Adapting Partitioned Continous Query Processing in Distributed Systems,
International Workshop on Scalable Stream Processing Systems (SSPS07), April 16, 2007, Istanbul, Turkey, Workshop Co-located with ICDE, (pdf).

Bin Liu, Mariana Jbantova, and Elke A. Rundensteiner,
Optimizing State-Intensive Non-Bocking Queries Using Run-time Adaptation,
International Workshop on Scalable Stream Processing Systems (SSPS07), April 16, 2007, Istanbul, Turkey, Workshop Co-located with ICDE, (pdf)

V. Raghavan, Elke A. Rundensteiner, J. Woycheese, A. Mukherji,
FireStream:  Sensor Stream Processing for Monitoring Fire Spread,
Software Demonstration,ICDE2007. (pdf)

Rimma V. Nehme and Elke A. Rundensteiner,
ClusterSheddy: Load Shedding Using Moving Clusters over Spatio-Temporal Data Streams,
DASFAA2007 Conference, 2007. (pdf)

Song Wang, Elke A. Rundensteiner,Samrat and Sudeept,
State-Slice: New Paradigm of Multi-query Optimization of Window-based Stream Queries
VLDB 2006.(pdf), (ppt)

Bin Liu, Yali Zhu and Elke A. Rundensteiner,
Run-Time Operator State Spilling for Memory Intensive Long-Running Queries
ACM SIGMOD 2006. (pdf), (ppt)

R. V. Nehme and  E. A. Rundensteiner,
SCUBA: Scalable Cluster-Based Algorithm for Evaluating Continuous Spatio-Temporal
Queries on Moving Objects, EDBT 2006. (pdf), (ppt)

B. Liu and E. A.Rundensteiner,
Revisiting Pipelined Parallelism in Multi-Join Query Processing, VLDB 2005.
(pdf), (ppt)

Bin Liu, Yali Zhu, Mariana Jbantova, Brad Momberger and Elke A. Rundensteiner
A Dynamically Adaptive Distributed System for Processing Complex Continuous Queries
Software Demonstration, VLDB 2005. (pdf) (ppt)

Timothy Sutherland, Bradford Pielech, Yali Zhu, Luping Ding and Elke A. Rundensteiner
An Adaptive Multi-Objective Scheduling Selection Framework For Continuous Query Processing.
IDEAS Conference, Montreal, Canada, July 2005. (pdf),

Timothy Sutherland, Bin Liu, M. Jbantova,
E. A. Rundensteiner: D-CAPE: distributed and self-tuned
continuous query processing. CIKM 2005.(pdf),

Elke A. Rundensteiner, Luping Ding, Yali Zhu, Timothy Sutherland and Bradford Pielech, CAPE:A Constraint-Aware Adaptive Stream Processing Engine, Invited Book Chapter, in Stream Data Management (Advances in Database Systems Series), 2005, chapter 5, Springer Verlag, pp. 83-111. (pdf), (ps), June 2004.

Luping Ding and Elke A. Rundensteiner, Evaluating Window Joins over Punctuated Streams (pdf), (ppt) CIKM 2004.

Timothy Sutherland and Elke A. Rundensteiner, D-CAPE: A Self-Tuning Continuous Query Plan Distribution Architecture (pdf), Technical Report, WPI-CS-TR-04-18, April 2004.

Timothy M. Sutherland, Bradford Pielech and Elke A. Rundensteiner, Adaptive Scheduling Framework for Continuous Query Systems (pdf), Technical Report, WPI-CS-TR-04-16, April 2004.

Elke A. Rundensteiner, Luping Ding, Timothy Sutherland, Yali Zhu, Bradford Pielech and Nishant Mehta, CAPE: Continuous Query Engine with Heterogeneous-Grained Adaptivity (pdf), Accepted Software Demonstration, VLDB 2004.

Yali Zhu, Elke A. Rundensteiner and George T. Heineman, Dynamic Plan Migration for Continuous Queries over Data Streams, ACM SIGMOD 2004 Conference, Paris, France, June 2004. (pdf) (ps) (ppt)

Luping Ding, Nishant Mehta, Elke A. Rundensteiner and George T. Heineman, Joining Punctuated Streams (pdf)(ppt) EDBT'04 Conference, Heraklion - Crete, Greece, March 2004.

Luping Ding, Elke A. Rundensteiner and George T. Heineman, MJoin: A Metadata-Aware Stream Join Operator (pdf), SIGMOD WORKSHOP, DEBS'03, San Diego, June. 2003.


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